Play the monty hall game with students!


Write this on the board

Warm-Up: Mind Map

Write the following words on the board:

Ask the students to each individually draw a “mind map” connecting these different ideas. They can use whatever format they want (i.e. these words can be nodes or edges in the graph, they are free to use other words and concepts as well, etc). Once everyone is done, ask at least 2 students to present and justify their maps (if nobody volunteers, pick at random, but warn everyone ahead of time that you will be asking them to share). Discuss with the class, make edits, improvements, etc.

Round 1: Together

You (the GSI) can use folders as the “doors” and put paper inside with drawings of either cars or goats. Or use plastic cups and little toys. Literally whatever you want, as long as it’s a tangible thing. Let them vote to decide whether to switch or not, but don’t let them discuss together. See if they win the prize.

Round 2: With Discussion

Play again, but this time allow for some discussion before the vote. Ask people sitting together to try to convince each other of their opinion. See if they win the prize.

Round 3+: In Groups

Split the class into two groups: those who vote switch and those who vote stay.

Join the “stay” group and play the game 15 times with them, having a student record how many times they win. Before doing this, delegate a student to have the “game master” role for the “change” group and provide them with the materials to lead the game for their group 15 times (if you’re in lab physically, that means e.g. bring 3 more folders and requisite “prize” and “goats”. If remote you can use something like